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Projets de Bachelor

Les projets suivants traitent des thématiques liées aux réseaux des opérateurs, du Telco Cloud et des cas d’utilisation. Il s’agit de projets de semestre (PS) ou de diplôme Bachelor (D)


  • TITANLab TITAN Digital Twin (S. Berset), proposed by Swisscom
  • L4S L4S - QoS Architecture (M. Gembi), proposed by Swisscom


  • CSO Container Security and Observability (PS, P. Streit), proposed by Swisscom


  • VNFMon VNF Monitoring and alarming (PS, P. Streit), proposed by Swisscom
  • SRv6 SRv6 Segment Routing for IPv6 (D, Mr. Haymoz), proposed by Swisscom
  • E2EM End-to-End monitoring (PS, Mr. Sissaoui), proposed by Swisscom
  • VNFDemo Demo VNF for labs and research projects (B. Veuthey), proposed by HEIA-FR


  • VMAuto Automation of VM deployment and configuration (PS, Mr. Haymoz), proposed by HEIA-FR
  • CNF Cloud Native Function (M. Coppi), proposed by Cisel


  • LBHACNI Load Balancing/High Availability on Cloud Native Infrastructure (PS, M. Nicolas)
  • TPMAAS TP Metal as a Service (PS, M. Alonso Lopez), proposed by HEIA-FR
  • 5GUPF 5G UPF for fixed and mobile convergence (PS, Ms. Boopathi)
  • VNFDevOps Continuos Integration and Development for VNF in Telco Cloud (D, M. Vonlanthen), proposed by Swisscom


  • OVPS Orchestration of VNF Composed with P4 Switches (D, M. Paccard), proposed by Swisscom
  • ECOM Edge Cloud Orchestration and monitoring (D, M. Macor), proposed by Swisscom
  • 5GLANE Entreprise LAN using Virtual 5G Network Functions Emulation (D, M. Borgognon), proposed by Swisscom
  • P4OP Virtual Switch Programming through P4 (PS, M. Roten)
  • OVSP4 Running P4 with OpenVSwitch (PS, M. Paccard)
  • ECOM Edge Cloud Computing Orchestration and Monitoring (PS, MM. Macor & Zambon), proposed by Swisscom
  • VoIPGW VoIP Gateway between traditional VoIP Network and IMS (PS, M. Aeberhard)


  • E2E Orchestration End to end orchestration on a Telco Cloud (D, M. Riedo), proposed by Swisscom
  • AMQP Cloud Signalling for remote Access (PS, M. Zambon)
  • PICOS Pilotage du réseau dans un Cloud OpenStack avec du SDN (PS, M. Riedo)
  • NFV-Cloud Virtualisation des fonctions réseaux dans le Cloud (PS, M. Riedo, M. Roulin)


  • SCOP SDN and OpenStack (D, M. Cattaneo)


  • vCPE Virtual CPE and SDN (D, M. Fragnière)
  • vCPE Virtual CPE, how to virtualize the CPE with VNF (PS, M. Fragnière)